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Webinars, Updates & More

Finding your adequate EDC vendor

EDC Software vendors are abundantly present in the IT software market and at Dacima Software we understand that these decisions require a lot of research before engaging into contracts. That is why Dacima Software will be, starting from April, offering free Webinars where people can subscribe to get to know parts of our software!


Starting in April, Dacima Software will be providing Webinars every first Wednesday of the month. Our first Webinar will therefore take place on Wednesday, 6th of April 2016. We will be going doing a quick tour through software and show its core capabilities.

Register below for our Webinar!


Our newest version 3.3.9 is in the latest test phase reading to go into production.

Some of the new features are:

  • Cross-over study designs
  • Piping in the Designer Module
  • Native Application features: Drag and drop in Design Module
  • Reminders by Phone providers
  • Dynamic Dashboard
  • And many more improvements


Register now for our Webinar!

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