Advanced web-based supply software for clinical trials that supports allocation of drugs or devices to randomized patients. The software integrates with Dacima’s Randomization (IWRS) module for seamless drug or device distribution to patients as they are randomized. With its advanced inventory management features, the software manages patient resupplies and ensures that sites’ stock levels are maintained.
- Easy-to-use web interface
- Seamlessly allocates drug bottles or device codes to randomized treatment arms and maintains blinding
- Allows staff to resupply patients with additional treatment at follow-up visits with the click of the mouse
- Tracks the history of the allocated drugs or devices (dispensing/bottle codes)
- Customized supply levels and low inventory level thresholds values will trigger automatic drug supply requests
- Supports patient drug allocation reasons for initial distribution and for subsequent supplies
- Configure for a single drug per treatment arm or multiple drugs per arm
- Tracks new consignment requests, completion, shipping and receiving status
- Captures history of all consignment requests.
- Sends automatic email confirmations to sites and pharmacists
- Allows role-based access to maintain blinded and unblinded users.
- Offers uploading and management of the master drug dispensing code (bottle) list
- Expiry date management ensures that expired or soon-to-expire drugs will not be assigned to patients
- Automatic dispensing code (bottle #, kit#) status tracking with ability to manually update status for missing damaged or lost inventory
- Reporting of drug supply data at any time