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Electronic Patient Reported Outcomes (ePRO) software allows for easy and accurate data collection by study subjects

An electronic patient-reported outcome (ePRO), as the name implies are  patient reported outcomes that are collected by electronically.  ePRO methods are most commonly used in clinical trials, but are also used in other study designs such a cohort studies and patient registries. Patient self-reported data are playing an increasing role in the collection of clinical data...
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Patient drug allocation options for clinical trials

Dacima’s web randomization module offers options  to configure different randomization methods, including simple, block, permuted block randomization as well as minimization to allocated the patient to the study arms. Once randomized the patient may also need to be assigned medication.  In blinded studies the treatment or medication  that is allocated to the patients will also...
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Dacima develops a dynamic visits functionality

Clinical trials and observational studies  typically have fixed visit structures specified in the study protocol.  However, patient registries may not always be designed with a defined visit structure. In order to allow for more efficient collection of data for patient registries Dacima’s has developed a dynamic visits functionality which allows for the design of patient registries, clinical...
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